Creative. Fun. Bright and Cheery. Angela Marvel is a natural light Pierce County Photographer specializing in children, family, and senior photography. Angela Marvel travels to a location of your choice, using natural light and a patient and casual style to capture expressions and personality.
All content is Copyright 2007-2024 Angela Marvel Photography.

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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Santa's Sack | 3rd Day of Christmas :)

Today you get two photos for the price of one :) Santa sack. I picked this sack up day after Christmas last year, so its been sitting a long time to get used! But i love that I can fit both boys in it :)
Santa Sack
And don't worry not ALL of the Christmas photos will be of my boys or even people ;) And not all are going to be from just this year either :)

Figure this is also a great way to show everyone all my Christmas props :)